- Patent Number: US 10338209 B2 (2019.07.02)
- Application Number: US 15/141569 (2016.04.28)
- Priority Number: US 62/153574 (2015.04.28)
- Critical Date: April 28, 2015
- Title: Systems to track a moving sports object
- Assignee: EDH US LLC
- Search Request: All Claims
Note that we are interested in anything that combines data from radar and camera sensors to track objects, and especially anything that discusses determining object trajectories and/or relying on the camera to get angle information (azimuth and elevation angles) while using the radar to get speed/range information (i.e., discussing the relative merits of using the different sensor types to determine the different aspects of a 3D trajectory, e.g., using a single camera, which thus can’t give you depth/range information for the tracked object, and using a single one-dimensional Doppler radar, which thus can’t give you directional information for the tracked object).
To clarify, I am looking for someone who would be good at finding prior art in the area of object tracking (especially small object tracking) using camera and radar sensors working together, and the focus of the search will be in non-patent literature that pre-dates 2015.